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Best Essential Oils to Boost the Immune System

What are the best herbal remedies to boost the immune system during the quarantine of 2020?

At the beginning of 2020, we, as a society and world welcomed the new year and all of the exciting incidents that were about to take place in the next twelve months. There was excitement in the air as the new year felt fresh and spontaneous.

Then there was a shift in the atmosphere. In February, universally the world shifted and the pandemic occurred. I thought, at that time, that the closing of schools, social and work related events would be short lived. I was mistaken.

It has been going on now for 7 months, this quarantine period and it hasn’t gone away quickly and as thought or we as a global society thought that it would. I wonder if it will ever go away… And when? When the quarantine finally ends, will we go back to normal or will it be a new normal?

In watching the daily news, it has been noted how one can contract the COVid Virus, and it is also noted that anyone with a compromised immune system could easily contract any bacterial virus. With the global society all experiencing the same “new” normal, one also wonders what can we do to protect ourselves from getting sick?

In today’s world, could we all be looking for a more natural solution to help in protecting the immune system? If one is looking for a more pure, natural solution that is organic, synthetic and chemical free, don’t look any further than the one, but, not only, the natural healthcare solution of essential oils.

Essential oils are made from certain parts of the plants such as the leaf, bud, herbs, barks, and rinds. You may use them topically or aromatically. Essential oils have been around for centuries to the beginning of history. As found in the Bible, the gifts given by the wise men to the Christ child, which was the essential oil of Frankincense and Myrrh. Research shows that using essential oils can be helpful when used with caution to enhance the immune system.

It is recommended to use pure, organic, synthetic, chemically free, therapeutic essential oils when using essential oils. The following are five oils that can be used to boost or enhance the immune system properties. This is not an exhaustive list, but, these oils are enough to get you started to begin using oils as a part of your self-care herbal remedy cabinet.

  1. Lavender: Lavender is one essential oils that most people know or have heard about when they know or work with essential oils. It is considered a versatile oil. It can be basically used to help one towards decreasing stress and/or relaxing the body in order to get a good night’s sleep. Stress and sleep are both contributing factors for lowered immunity. The chemical compounds of lavender oil have antioxidant properties which protect the cells from free radicals.

2. Lemon: Lemon is also a popular essential oil that has an antibacterial property and can be beneficial to the immune system. This oil can boost your mood, in helping to feel more refreshed and energized. It is noted to be beneficial in protecting the health of the liver. The liver plays a huge role in strengthening the immune system. Lemon oil can be used in a diffuser or topically. If using topically, Lemon oil is a phototoxic oil that should be used on the skin with a carrier oil and never directly before sun exposure.

3. Peppermint: Peppermint essential oil is another popular oil. Think of peppermint candy, minus the sugar. It has antibacterial & antifungal properties that can be beneficial in addressing headache or digestive issues. It can also help with easing distress symptoms of colds or fever. Please note to use Peppermint essential oil with caution near the faces of infants or children.

4. Tea Tree: Tea Tree is considered one of the must have essential oils in the home. Very versatile and considered to have the “big three” chemical properties which are: antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal. It is also useful in fighting germs.

5. Clove: One of my favorite oils. Also has the power “big three” and also it is considered a powerful antiseptic. Also in reference to Tea Tree oil, Clove also can be used for mouth health and general infections in relation to combating colds & the flu. Clove is a great option to consider in reinforcing the immune system.

As I mentioned earlier, these essential oils can be used starting this week, in strengthening the immune system. If you are new to essential oils, it is best to start using one essential oil from this list, in 3-5 days. Using the oils for this duration, will give your body to chance to see how it responses to the oil before moving to the next one.


Happy oil discovery!

Essential, Oil, Aromatherapy, Herbal

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