I love using essential oils! I was introduced to essential oils over ten years ago. Even though essential oils have been around for centuries, I will admit that I knew very little about them. The first oil I ever purchased was peppermint. This particular certified pure oil was considered safe for human consumption. (GRAS/FDA Label) Use caution: not all oils are safe to use internally: see link: https://www.doterra.com/US/en/essential-oil-safety
The peppermint plant is a hybrid of water mint and spearmint and was first described by Carl Linnaeus in 1753. A high menthol content—like that found in the doTERRA Peppermint essential oil—distinguishes the best quality Peppermint oil from other products. Frequently used in toot5 Essential Oils To Boost Immunityhpaste and chewing gum for oral hygiene, Peppermint oil also helps alleviate occasional stomach upset and promotes healthy respiratory function. www.doterra.com.
I used peppermint oil actually in this way, to relieve digestive issues. As I added the peppermint oil to my glass of water, it was cooling and it worked immediately. My issues of bloating discomfort had subsided.
When inhaled, the scent molecules in essential oils travel from the olfactory nerves directly to the brain and especially impact the amygdala, the emotional center of the brain. Essential oils can also be absorbed by the skin. www.hopkinsmedicine.org Internally, certified therapeutic pure oils penetrate the cell membrane to go directly to the bloodstream.
Essential Oils can be used in 3 ways, Topically, Aromatically or *Dietary. In using oils aromatically, the oils can be added to water in a diffuser, or added to the palm of hands, or add a few drops to a tissue. Topically, oils can be used to soften the skin and calm emotions as it is applied to the skin. Always use a carrier oil to dilute the oils. Remember to do a skin patch test before using essential oils. Since citrus essential oils may make your skin more sensitive to the sun, these oils should be avoided if you'll be exposed to sunlight. www.healthline.com.
There are several ways to take oils dietary or internally; you can cook with the oils, take them in beverages, or put them in a veggie capsule to swallow.
Using oils internally is a method that is best used only when you have a specific area of concern that can only be met by ingesting the essential oil. Keep in mind that you only need a drop or two at a time to reap the benefits of the oil. For example, supporting healthy digestion is a benefit that comes from taking Ginger internally. www.doterra.com
The following are five essential oils that can support your immune system :
Oregano- Oregano contains compounds called phenols, terpenes, and terpenoids. They have powerful antioxidant properties. It is a natural antibiotic.
a. It can lower cholesterol levels.
b. May improve digestive issues.
c. May help relieve pain.
d.May ward off bacterial infections.
2. Clove- Clove oil contains powerful antioxidant properties and supports cardiovascular health.
a. May improve circulation.
b. May help towards quitting a smoking habit.
c. May ward off bacterial infections.
d. Strengthens immunity.
3. Lavender-
Not just for relaxation. Lavender is one of the most widely used essential oils across the globe. Lavender has anti-viral, anti-microbial, and anti-bacterial properties that make it a great addition to our body's natural defense system. Lavender is filled with antioxidants that remove free radicals from our system which are often associated with cell damage, illness, and aging. www.matrixaromatherapy.com.
a. Lavender has calming properties to ward off stress and also prepare for a good nights sleep.
b. Helps to relieve skin irritations.
c. Helps to relieve muscle pain & tension.
d. Can relieve allergy symptoms.
4. Lemon-Lemon is a great oil to use for detoxification of the body because of the abundance of vitamins and minerals. Lemon essential oil retains the powerful toxin-fighting properties of the chemical compound, d-limonene. In addition to aiding the immune system, lemon can also be used to improve mood and sharpen your focus. www.matrixaromatherapy.com.
a. Support the lymphatic system, edema. & water retention.
b.May improves congestion.
c. May improve allergy symptoms.
d. Use a cleaner to disinfect rooms in the house with busy foot traffic.
5. Eucalyptus-Often used in natural cold and flu remedies, Eucalyptus is a wonderful decongestant that can help clear your respiratory tract and prevent infection. Multiple studies have shown that simply inhaling eucalyptus oil helps fight bacterial infections.
a. May improve coughs & congestion.
b. May improve respiratory issues.
c. May improve muscle fatigue & pain.
d. May improve earaches. www.matrixaromatherapy.com.
These are just five of the most used oils to support & strengthen the immune system but, there are so many others to choose from that are not mentioned here. In the selection of the perfect oil, it is based on personal preference, aroma, and the physical situation in need.
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